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Pinegrow/WordPress Website Live in Less Than 5 Minutes!

Getting our WordPress Theme built in Pinegrow on Hostinger in less than 5 minutes!

Namecheap Affiliate: https://namecheap.pxf.io/c/3510278/386170/5618

Hostinger Affiliate: https://www.hostg.xyz/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff_id=130549

Creating WordPress Website in Pinegrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzqI6rPTmEg


We’re going to be picking up where I left off a few months ago where I was showing you how to get a build a WordPress theme in Pinegrow and then getting it up online.

We never really got it up online so this is what this episode is all about so I’ve recently started using Hostinger which has inspired the episode I have to say it was so easy getting my WordPress blog over onto Hostinger. I was already hosting it on AWS and it was costing me something like 10 pounds a month whereas I saw the hosting as plans were a lot cheaper so I thought why not just transfer and it was so straightforward I just logged in signed up for the plan, put my username and password details into Hostinger it and it did the rest and all of a sudden my full stack agency website was over on Hostinger and I’m saving a lot of money.

Just to finish off that series as I was saying I’m gonna be tearing that website down completely starting from fresh and getting the Pinegrow website that I’ve built up on Hostinger and just seeing how easy that is.

Now Pinegrow actually released a WordPress plugin that you basically install on any existing WordPress installation and you can build your Pinegrow website right there inside of Webflow (corrected).

I’ve obviously got the site already built I haven’t got the WordPress plugin so this is doing the old or ‘traditional’ method but I want to look into the Pinegrow plug-in actually because it looks amazing to be fair.

Given that I have a WordPress theme already built in the desktop version of Pinegrow I thought let’s just get it up and running and see how we get on.

So yeah as I say we’re going to be moving our our WordPress theme built in Pinegrow to Hostinger I’m going to link down below the videos that I made that got us to this point because what I’ve inevitably got is basically my website built in in Pinegrow that kind of works with WordPress for all intents and purposes this is a pretty good theme.

Let’s just run through, I’ve got a shop database here which is linking through to posts about the various books I’ve got on sale, it’s got a Blog here which Loops through all the blogs, we’ve got some static pages.

So like I said I’m going to be using Hostinger. I’ll leave a link to an affiliate link below which if you do sign up for hosting, which I do I genuinely do recommend, if you do sign up to Hostinger I get a really nice Kickback to using their services through my link so I’d really appreciate that

[Hostinger Affiliate Link]

But ultimately, Now’s the Time. If I go to Hostinger we’re gonna tear down our old website.

I’m using the WordPress plan which I think is $2.99 a month as I said I was paying 10 pounds a month through AWS. It’s just not worth it for a small scale website.

It’s going to be a WordPress website, generate a new password, don’t need a template, use an existing domain. thefullstackagency.xyz.

I like to use namecheap and of course there’s an affiliate link below for that as well.

I just find namecheap super easy to use and when buying a domain it just seems so easy to navigate so I’ll leave a link below that you can use for that.

So let’s manage this.

There we go so if we delete these (existing DNS settings).

Okay so Hostinger creates a temporary URL that you can preview everything that’s going on so let’s see if we can preview my website here look. and there should be a standard kind of WordPress.

There we go, standard WordPress website that they’ve they’ve just created for us.

Now I think that’s pretty much it from Hostinger’s side.

We do want to force HTTPS and we want to install an SSL but that’s it from Hostinger’s a side of things. I’ve just got to wait for my DNS to propagate which could take 24 hours but it could also take no time at all.

Let’s start by getting our theme uploaded to this website.

Okay so jump-cut because after the recording of the other one I actually found a much more much simpler way to do it uh so rather than wasting more time just jump right into it.

Essentially we’ve got a WordPress website working on Hostinger now and now we want to actually transfer all of the data from our local WordPress installation over onto Hostinger so I’ve got my local website here and what you’re going to want to do is download a plugin called All in One WP migration right and when you run this you can export the entire database all the images and or at least all the references, I don’t quite know how it does it, you can export the whole thing basically and rather than wait for that I’ve actually already gone ahead and done the exporting.

If we go to our we edit our website and it’s already installed the all-in-one plugin is already installed here and we import from file and upload the file we created we exported earlier.


And we should have fully working WordPress website!

So I hope that was interesting I hope that was helpful for you getting your WordPress theme built in Pinegrow up on Hostinger as always, like, subscribe all the rest of it, YouTube will recommend a video somewhere around here and finally happy no coding.